Tuesday, April 29

We Have Teeth

Two teeth have come in.  The bottom front have made their way to freedom.  It was a long week for Hazel and I am sure she is glad it is over, for now.  

She and I have been trying a few new things.  We have been going to the movies on Tuesdays at the Kennedy School for Mommy (and daddy) Matinee.  We want to start swim lessons soon at Mt Scott Pool and we have been cooking up a storm.  Hazel have been on a steady diet of breast milk and has been growing leaps and bounds.  She is over 16 lbs and I have been cooking and eating pies.  I now weigh more then I ever have in my life.  Swim lessons can't come soon enough.  

Lately she have been a bit fussy about being held by someone other then Melissa or myself.  That makes me feel kind of sad.  We have always been open for other people to hold her and want her to not be afraid of people.  I believe that kids that are raised for be fearful of all people don't learn the difference between good people and assholes. 

I have been using this example a lot lately but when people ask me "what's it like" I have been giving an answer that tends to surprise.  Before she was born I though that everything would fit inside a box.  The good on one side and the bad on the other.  What I have found is that the good things are so much better and far outside the box .  The bad things are there too.  I didn't think that the frustrating things would be so frustrating.  The interesting thing is that they have less to do with Hazel and more to do with me.  She is happy, she smiles.  She is hungary, she cries.  It is very simple.  It is me that makes it difficult during the difficult time.  During the great time she is fully responsible.   

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