It seems that every day that goes by she changes just a bit more. Today we had our check-up and she weighed a whopping 10 lbs 13 oz. She has gone from the bottom of the statistical charts to nearly 50% across the board. She has gone from very quiet to having quite a voice. It appears she has a growth spurt going on and not much will make her feel all that good. She wants to eat all the time but when you start to feed her she only eats a bit.
It is easy to get frustrated but then you look down at her. She is the most beautiful thing in my life and how could I get frustrated with her. Even at her worst she is still wonderful.
Today was bad because we had to get some vaccinations. It is so hard to decide what shots to give them because all the hype over the connection of vaccines and autism and other things. Even side effects of the shots are bad. Why do they want you to get a Hep B shot? Hep B is a sexually transmitted disease. Why do they want you to get vaccinations for things they have cures for anyway. It seems that preventive maintenance is far more profitable then actual medical care.
Anyway we decided that she would get two shots. I say we but I couldn't tell you what they were. Either way neither was pleasant. She cried the hardest she ever has. It was very nerve wracking.
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